Binding Settings Dialog Box
Binding Settings Dialog Box
This is displayed when you select Binding Settings from theEdit menu. This allows you to configure the binding
edge settings.
Binding Edge
Configures the binding edge when folding paper.
The following settings are available for the binding edge.
Setting Details
Bottom Prints by placing the binding margin (gutter) at the bottom of the document.
Top Prints by placing the binding margin (gutter) at the top of the document.
Configures the binding margin (gutter).
Prints by creating a binding margin (gutter) of the specified size. Enter the margin size as a number.
• The values that can be entered are 0 to 50 (mm).
Print Fold Lines
Configures the color and type of fold lines.
• To not print fold lines, clear the Print Fold Lines checkbox.
Fold Line Color
You can select the fold lines.
Fold Line Type
You can select the fold lines.
The following settings are available for the fold line type.
Setting Details
Solid Line You can print the solid line as the frame style.
Dotted Line You can print the dotted line as the frame style.
Dashed Line You can print the dashed line as the frame style.
Only Print Center and Edges
To print fold lines at the center and both edges, select the Only Print Center and Edges checkbox.
Prints using Folded Duplex
Prints using Folded Duplex
This prints 2 pages consecutively. Folding back the paper at the fold lines of the center substitutes for duplex print-
Select two objects from the layout area of Free Layout.
Binding Settings Dialog Box
User's Guide
Windows Software Free Layout