Image edges are blurred or white banding occurs
Image edges are blurred or white banding occurs
Cause Corrective Action
The Platen suction is too strong. In the Control Panel menu, reduce the level of VacuumStrngth.
(See "Adjusting the Vacuum Strength.") ➔P.532
Close the blue Switch on the platen so that it matches the paper size.
(See "Setting the Blue Switch on the Platen.") ➔P.596
Incorrect Printhead alignment value. In the Control Panel menu, set Head Height to a lower height.
(See "Troubleshooting Paper Abrasion and Blurry Images.") ➔P.524
The type of paper specified in the
printer driver does not match the type
loaded in the printer.
Load paper of the same type as you have specified in the printer driver.
(See "Loading Rolls in the Printer.") ➔P.339
(See "Loading Sheets in the Printer.") ➔P.360
Make sure the same type of paper is specified in the printer driver as you have loaded in
the printer.
Press the Stop button and stop printing.
Change the type of paper in the printer driver and try printing again.
Setting the Blue Switch on the Platen
Setting the Blue Switch on the Platen
If printed documents exhibit the following symptoms, adjust the setting of the blue Switch on the Platen.
Image edges are blurred
Image edges are affected by white banding
• Always set all of the blue Switches on the Platen to the ● side for borderless printing. If the Switch are not set
correctly, the print quality may deteriorate.
Remove any loaded paper that will not be used.
Rolls (See "Removing the Roll from the Printer.") ➔P.345
Sheet (See "Removing Sheets.") ➔P.365
Open the Top Cover.
Image edges are blurred or white banding occurs
User's Guide
Troubleshooting Problems with the printing quality