Listed Jobs
Exports the data for the print jobs currently displayed in the list as a CSV file.
Displaying Job Properties or Period Properties
Displaying Job Properties or Period Properties
You can display the Job properties dialog box or Period Properties dialog box to check detailed cost information
and other items.
The Job properties dialog box displays detailed information about the selected job.
The Period Properties dialog box displays detailed information within the Regularly Acquired Jobs period.
Displaying the Job properties Dialog Box
Select a job from the job list, and then select Show Job Properties from Job properties in the File menu.
You can also select multiple jobs at once.
• You can also display the dialog box by selecting a job, right-clicking it, and then selecting Show Job Proper-
ties, or by using the icon in the toolbar.
Displaying the Period Properties Dialog Box
Select a period from the Regularly Acquired Jobs list, and then select Show Period Properties from Job
properties in the File menu. You can also select multiple periods at once.
• You can also display the dialog box by selecting and right-clicking a period and then selecting Show Period
Properties, or by using the icon in the toolbar.
Components of the Job properties Dialog Box/Period Properties Dialog Box
Job tab
Displays detailed information about the selected job. You can display detailed information about each job
by selecting the corresponding Document Name.
Owner tab
You can display detailed information about each owner by selecting the corresponding Owner.
Copy button
Click this button to copy the displayed text information to the clipboard.
Displaying Job Properties or Period Properties
User's Guide
Print Job Management Accounting (Windows)