Cisco Systems (VISM) Network Card User Manual

Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter 4 Configuring VISM Features
Configuring VISM Features
Step 6 Type the cnfsesmaxseg command, session-num and seg-size argument values, and press Enter to
configure the maximum segment size VISM can receive after sending a SYN message. Specify the arguments
with the following values:
session-num: Type the value entered for the session-num argument in Step 4.
seg-size (defined in octets): In the range from 30 to 65535
Step 7 Type the cnfsesmaxwindow command, session-num and window-size argument values, and press Enter
to configure the maximum number of segments that can be sent without getting an acknowledgment for a
specific RUDP session. Specify the arguments with the following values:
session-num: Type the value entered for the session-num argument in Step 4.
window-size: In the range from 1 to 64
Step 8 Type the cnfsesnullsegtmout command, session-num and null-seg-tout argument values, and press
Enter to configure the amount of idle time before sending a null segment. Specify the arguments with the
following values:
session-num: Type the value entered for the session-num argument in Step 4.
null-seg-tout (defined in milliseconds): In the range from 0 to 65535
Step 9 Type the cnfsesoutofseq command, session-num and max-seq-pkts argument values, and press Enter to
configure the maximum number of out-of-sequence packets that will be accumulated before sending an
EACK packet. Specify the arguments with the following values:
session-num: Type the value entered for the session-num argument in Step 4.
max-seq-pkts: In the range from 0 to 255.
Note If you specify 0 for the max-seq-pkts argument, a DACK message is sent immediately
upon receiving an out-of-sequence packet.
Step 10 Type the cnfsesport command, session-num, local-port-num, and remote-port-num argument values,
and press Enter to configure the local (VISM end) and remote (call agent end) port numbers for a session
number. Specify the arguments with the following values:
session-num: Type the value entered for the session-num argument in Step 4.
local-port-num: In the range from 1124 to 65535
remote-port-num: In the range from 1124 to 65535
This command allows the user to configure the local and remote port numbers.
Step 11 Type the cnfsesretrans command, session-num, unack-timeout, and max-ses-retrans argument values,
and press Enter to configure the retransmission of unacknowledged packet timeout value and the maximum
number of consecutive retransmission attempts before the connection is considered failed. Specify the
arguments with the following values:
session-num: Type the value entered for the session-num argument in Step 4.
unack-timeout (in milliseconds): In the range from 100 to 65535
max-ses-retrans: In the range from 0 to 255
Step 12 Type the cnfsesstatetmout command, session-num and tstate-tout argument values, and press Enter to
configure the amount of time VISM waits for the transfer state before executing an auto reset. Specify the
arguments with the following values:
session-num: Type the value entered for the session-num argument in Step 4.
tstate-tout (in milliseconds): In the range from 0 to 65535