SATO M-5900RV Operator and Technical Reference Manual
Page 4-4
Section 4. Programming Reference
PN 9001081
Rev. C
Printing with the Parallel Port
40 LPRINT E$;"H400";E$;"V100";E$;"XL1SATO";
50 LPRINT E$;"Q1";
60 LPRINT E$;"Z";
Printing with the RS232 Port:
5 REM RS232 Example
10 E$=CHR$(27)
20 OPEN "COM1:9600,N,8,1,CS,DS" AS #1;
30 PRINT #1,CHR$(2);
40 PRINT #1,E$;"A";
Sends the data "SATO" to
be placed 400 dots
horizontally and 100 dots
vertically on the label and
printed in the "XL" font.
Instructs the printer to print
one label.
Tells the printer that the last
command has been sent.
The printer can now create
and print the job.
Identifies the program as an
RS232 port print label. The
"REM" prevents this data
from being sent to the printer
and displays it only on the
Sets the "E$" string as an
<ESC> character.
Opens the COM1 port for
output and sets the
parameters as 9600 baud,
No parity, 8 Data bits,1 Stop
bit and instructs the port to
ignore the CTS and DSR
control signals.
Sends an <STX> (ASCII
Code a decimal "2") to the
printer instructing it to
prepare to receive a
Sends an "<ESC>A"
command code to Print Port
#1 opened by statement 20