ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
188 C
Storage Specifies how the host entry is stored.
The options are:
■ volatile: The entry is stored in
volatile memory. The information is
lost during a system reboot.
■ nonvolatile (default): The entry is
stored in non-volatile memory. The
information is not lost during a
system reboot.
■ permanent: The entry is stored in
non-volatile memory. You cannot
delete the information but you can
make modifications.
■ readonly: The entry is stored in
non-volatile memory. You cannot
delete or modify the information.
Mask The mask of the IP address on which
the SNMP host is configured to receive
MMS The maximum message size (in bytes)
of an SNMP message that the SNMP
engine transmits or receives and
processes. Values range from 484 to
65535. The default is 484.
Model The SNMP security model used to
process SNMP messages and gain
access to the group. Your options are
V1, V2c or V3.
Parameter Description