ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
460 C
You use the following commands to configure and display trust and validity
for certificates. Note that all of these commands are issued from within
interface cable <c/s/i>
mode, except for privacy ca-cert and privacy
cm-cert. These two commands can be issued from within either interface
cable <c/s/i>
mode or root mode.
cli: privacy base cert-trust trusted
cli: privacy base
enable-cert-validity-periods true
cli: privacy cm-cert 00:10:95:04:0a:c3
trusted certificate cm64.cer
cli: privacy ca-cert 5 trusted
certificate manf64.cer
Task Command
1. Set the trust for all new
self-assigned manufacturer
privacy base cert-trust
{trusted | untrusted}.
2. Set the certificates to have (true)
or not to have (false) the validity
period checked against the
current time of day.
privacy base
{true | false}
3. Display the certificate settings for
the specified cable modem.
show [interface cable <c/s/i>] privacy
cm-cert [<mac-address>] {learnt |
provisioned [details]}.
4. Assigns a certificate to a
provisioned cable modem.
privacy cm-cert <mac-address>
[{trusted | untrusted}] certificate
5. Remove the certificate
assignment for the provisioned
cable modem.
no privacy cm-cert <mac-address>.
6. Specify manufacturer certification
authority certificates.
privacy ca-cert <1..10000> {trusted |
untrusted | chained | root} certificate
7. Remove the manufacturer
certification authority certificate.
no privacy ca-cert <1..10000>