ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
212 C
To configure event classes and associated reporting actions, perform the
following tasks:
Refer to the next section for information on viewing the event reporting
Task Command
1. Enter root mode. root
2. Assign the Default event class and
reporting action.
event-config reporting default
3. Assign the Emergency event class
and associated reporting action.
event-config reporting emergency
4. Assign the Alert event class and
associated reporting action.
event-config reporting alert local
5. Assign the Critical event class and
associated reporting action. Note:
The pipe ( | ) must be included in
the command string.
event-config reporting critical
{local|traps|syslog} {local|traps}
6. Assign the Error event class and
associated reporting action. Note:
The pipe ( | ) must be included in
the command string.
event-config reporting error
{local|traps|syslog} {local|traps}
7. Assign the Warning event class
and associated reporting action.
Note: The pipe ( | ) must be
included in the command string.
event-config reporting warning
{local|traps|syslog} {local|traps}
8. Assign the Notice event class and
associated reporting action. Note:
The pipe ( | ) must be included in
the command string.
event-config reporting notice
{local|traps|syslog} {local|traps}
9. Assign the Information event class
and associated reporting action.
event-config reporting info
10.Assign the Debug event class and
associated reporting action.
event-config reporting debug