ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
574 A
flap-list insertion-time <value> interface:cable:csi Sets the cable-flap list insertion
When a cable modem makes an
insertion request more frequently
than the amount of insertion time
defined by this command, the
system adds the cable modem to
the flap list for activity recording.
flap-list power-adj-threshold <value> interface:cable:csi Sets the flap list power-adjustment
flap-list size <value> interface:cable:csi Sets the maximum number of
entries that the system can record
in the flap list. When the number
of entries in the flap list exceeds
the number that you set with this
command, the oldest flap list
entries are aged out.
insertion-interval <centiseconds> interface:cable:csi Sets the maximum amount of time
that a cable modem can request
an upstream frequency on this
CMTS interface. This initial request
is known as ranging.
map-timer <value> interface:cable:csi Sets the map timer interval, in
microseconds, on a specific cable
modulation-profile <profile number>
interval-usage {initial | long | request
| short | station} [fec-tbytes
<number>] [fec-len <number>]
[burst-len <number>] [mod {16qam |
qpsk}] [scrambler] [no scrambler]
[diff] [no diff] [seed <number>]
[pre-len <number>]
[last-cw {fixed | shortened}]
interface:cable:csi Creates a cable modulation profile.
periodic-ranging-interval <value> interface:cable:csi Specifies how often this cable
interface periodically invites
modems to range.
plant-delay <value> interface:cable:csi Specifies the estimated plant
propagation delay, in
pll-state interface:cable:csi Sets the phase lock loop state (PLL)
for the current cable interface.
Command Mode Description