Printer name, 3-14, 3-18, 3-32, 3-46
Printer Properties
Windows 2000/XP, 4-13, 4-30
Windows 98/Me, 4-8, 4-17
Printer Sharing Function, 3-56
Printer Sharing Settings
Windows 2000/XP, 3-63
Windows 98/Me, 3-60
Printer Status Window
Consumables/Counters, 4-80
Display, 4-76
Function, 4-75
Preferences, 4-77
Refresh, 4-80
Register Paper Size, 4-79
Utility, 4-80
Printing Dates, 4-55
Prioritize Printing of Colored Lines and Text, 4-61
[Profile] Sheet, 4-43
Add, 4-44
Allow Profile Selection, 4-45
Allow Setting Edition, 4-45
Comment, 4-43
Delete, 4-44
Edit, 4-44
Export, 4-44
Import, 4-44
Name, 4-43
Profile List, 4-43
Specifying Profiles, 4-66
[Quality] Sheet, 4-24, 4-37
Ready Lamp, 1-7
Required Peripheral Space, 6-3
Scaling, 4-46
[Security] Sheet, 4-42
Self-Diagnostic Test, 1-10
Serial Number, 8-21
Serial Number Indication Label, 1-6
Service Call, 7-25
Setting the Print Server
Windows 2000/XP, 3-61
Windows 98/Me, 3-57
[Sharing] Sheet, 4-28, 4-40
Show Icon in the Taskbar, 4-29, 4-43
Single-page Batch Processing, 4-64
Hardware, 8-2
Software, 8-4
Spooling at Host, 4-42
Status Lamp, 6-12
Sub Output Tray, 1-5, 2-12
System Environment, 3-2
Test Page, 3-50
Toner Cartridge
Message, 5-2
Precautions for Handling Toner Cartridges,
Replacement, 5-2
Storing Toner Cartridges, 5-14
Toner Cartridge Holder, 5-5
Toner Cartridge Slot, 1-6
Toner Density, 4-61
Toner Lamp, 1-6
Toner Replacement Key, 1-4, 1-6
Toner Save mode, 4-25, 4-38
Transparencies, 2-4, 2-23
Installation Problems, 7-37
Miscellaneous Problems, 7-38
Print Quality Problems, 7-27
When Nothing is Printed, 7-36
Troubleshooting Map, 7-2
Type of LAN cable, 1-14