Compaq ECQD2KCTE Laptop User Manual

Instruction Descriptions 4–75
Table 4–10: Trap Shadow Length Rules
Instruction Group
Trap Shadow Extends Until Any of the Following
Floating-point operate
(except DIVx and SQRTx)
Encountering a CALL_PAL, EXCB, or TRAPB
The result is consumed by any instruction except
floating-point STx.
The fourth instruction
after the result is consumed by
a floating-point STx instruction.
Or, following the floating-point STx of the result, the
result of a LDx that loads the stored value is
consumed by any instruction.
The result of a subsequent floating-point operate
instruction is consumed by any instruction except
floating-point STx.
The second instruction
after the result of a subse-
quent floating-point operate instruction is consumed
by a floating-point STx instruction.
The result of a subsequent floating-point DIVx or
SQRTx instruction is consumed by any instruction.
Floating-point DIVx
Encountering a CALL_PAL, EXCB, or TRAPB
The result is consumed by any instruction except
floating-point STx.
The fourth instruction
after the result is consumed by
a floating-point STx instruction.
Or, following the floating-point STx of the result, the
result of a LDx that loads the stored value is
consumed by any instruction.
The result of a subsequent floating-point DIVx is con-
sumed by any instruction.