Compaq ECQD2KCTE Laptop User Manual

11–4 Alpha Architecture Handbook
rdirql Read the current IRQL from the PSR
The rdirql instruction returns the contents of the interrupt request level (IRQL)
field of the PSR internal processor register.
rdksp Read initial kernel stack pointer for the current thread
The rdksp instruction returns the contents of the IKSP (initial kernel stack
pointer) internal processor register for the currently executing thread.
rdmces Read the machine check error summary register
The rdmces instruction returns the contents of the machine check error sum-
mary (MCES) internal processor register.
rdpcr Read the processor control region base address
The rdpcr instruction returns the contents of the PCR internal processor register
(the base address value of the processor control region).
rdpsr Read the current processor status register (PSR)
The rdpsr instruction returns the contents of the current PSR (Processor Status
Register) internal processor register.
rdstate Read the current internal processor state
The rdstate instruction returns the internal processor state to an internal buffer.
rdthread Read the thread value for the current thread
The rdthread instruction returns the contents of the THREAD internal proces-
sor register (the value of the currently executing thread).
reboot Transfer to console firmware
The reboot instruction stops the operating system from executing and returns
execution to the boot environment. Reboot is responsible for completing the
ARC restart block before returning to the boot environment.
restart Restart the operating system from the restart block
The restart instruction restores saved processor state and resumes execution of
the operating system.
Table 11–2 : Privileged Windows NT Alpha PALcode Instruction Summary (Continued)
Mnemonic Operation and description