Compaq ECQD2KCTE Laptop User Manual

4–20 Alpha Architecture Handbook
4.3.1 Conditional Branch
{update PC}
va PC + {4*SEXT(disp)}
IF TEST(Rav, Condition_based_on_Opcode) THEN
PC va
Instruction mnemonics:
Register Ra is tested. If the specified relationship is true, the PC is loaded with the target vir-
tual address; otherwise, execution continues with the next sequential instruction.
The displacement is treated as a signed longword offset. This means it is shifted left two bits
(to address a longword boundary), sign-extended to 64 bits, and added to the updated PC to
form the target virtual address.
The conditional branch instructions are PC-relative only. The 21-bit signed displacement gives
a forward/backward branch distance of +/– 1M instructions.
The test is on the signed quadword integer interpretation of the register contents; all 64 bits are
Bxx Ra.rq,
!Branch format
BEQ Branch if Register Equal to Zero
BGE Branch if Register Greater Than or Equal to Zero
BGT Branch if Register Greater Than Zero
BLBC Branch if Register Low Bit Is Clear
BLBS Branch if Register Low Bit Is Set
BLE Branch if Register Less Than or Equal to Zero
BLT Branch if Register Less Than Zero
BNE Branch if Register Not Equal to Zero