Alvarion 214486 Network Router User Manual

Advanced Configuration
BreezeMAX Wi² and BreezeACCESS Wi² System Manual 75
Logging Level – Sets the minimum severity level for event logging.
(Default: Informational)
The system allows you to limit the messages that are logged by specifying a
minimum severity level. Table 4-3 lists the error message levels from the most
severe (Emergency) to least severe (Debug). The message levels that are logged
include the specified minimum level up to the Emergency level.
Logging Facility Type – Sets the facility type for remote logging of syslog messages.
The command specifies the facility type tag sent in syslog messages. (See RFC
3164.) This type has no effect on the kind of messages reported by the switch.
However, it may be used by the syslog server to sort messages or to store
messages in the corresponding database. (Range: 16-23; Default: 16) CLI Commands for System Logging
To enable logging on the AP, use the logging on command from the global
configuration mode. The logging level command sets the minimum level of
message to log. Use the logging console command to enable logging to the
console. Use the logging host command to specify up to four Syslog servers. The
CLI also allows the logging facility-type command to set the facility-type number
to use on the Syslog server. To view the current logging settings, use the show
logging command.
Table 4-3: Error Message Levels
Error Level Description
Emergency System unusable
Alerts Immediate action needed
Critical Critical conditions (e.g., memory allocation, or free memory error - resource exhausted)
Error Error conditions (e.g., invalid input, default used)
Warning Warning conditions (e.g., return false, unexpected return)
Notice Normal but significant condition, such as cold start
Informational Informational messages only
Debug Debugging messages
The AP error log can be viewed using the Event Logs window in the Status section ( page 124).
The Event Logs window displays the last 128 messages logged in chronological order, from the
newest to the oldest. Log messages saved in the AP’s memory are erased when the device is