170 Operation
Chapter 5 - Command Line Interface
5.8 DHCP Relay Commands
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) can dynamically allocate an IP
address and other configuration information to network clients that broadcast a
request. To receive the broadcast request, the DHCP server would normally have
to be on the same subnet as the client. However, when the AP’s DHCP relay agent
is enabled, received client requests can be forwarded directly by the AP to a known
DHCP server on another subnet. Responses from the DHCP server are returned to
the AP, which then broadcasts them back to clients.
5.8.1 dhcp-relay enable
This command enables the AP’s DHCP relay agent. Use the no form to disable the
[no] dhcp-relay enable
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Usage
• For the DHCP relay agent to function, the primary DHCP server must be configured using the
dhcp-relay primary command. A secondary DHCP server does not need to be configured, but it is
• If there is no response from the primary DHCP server, and a secondary server has been configured,
the agent will then attempt to send DHCP requests to the secondary server.
5.8.2 dhcp-relay
This command configures the primary and secondary DHCP server addresses.
Table 5-9: DHCP Relay Commands
Command Function Mode Page
dhcp-relay enable Enables the DHCP relay agent GC 170
dhcp-relay Sets the primary and secondary DHCP server address GC 170
show dhcp-relay Shows current DHCP relay configuration settings Exec 171
Enterprise AP(config)#dhcp-relay enable
Enterprise AP(config)#