Alvarion 214486 Network Router User Manual

144 Operation
Chapter 5 - Command Line Interface
5.5.1 country
This command configures the AP’s country code, which identifies the country of
operation and sets the authorized radio channels.
country <country_code>
country_code - A two character code that identifies the country of operation. See the following
table for a full list of codes.
show version Displays version information for the system Exec 154
show config Displays detailed configuration information for the system Exec 155
show hardware Displays the AP’s hardware version Exec 160
Table 5-6: Country Codes
Country Code Country Code Country Code Country Code
Albania AL Dominican
DO Kuwait KW Romania RO
Algeria DZ Ecuador EC Latvia LV Russia RU
Argentina AR Egypt EG Lebanon LB Saudi Arabia SA
Armenia AM Estonia EE Liechtenstein LI Singapore SG
Australia AU Finland FI Lithuania LT Slovak Republic SK
Austria AT France FR Macao MO Spain ES
Azerbaijan AZ Georgia GE Macedonia MK Sweden SE
Bahrain BH Germany DE Malaysia MY Switzerland CH
Belarus BY Greece GR Malta MT Syria SY
Belgium BE Guatemala GT Mexico MX Taiwan TW
Honduras HN Monaco MC Thailand TH
Belize BZ Hong Kong HK Morocco MA Trinidad &
Bolivia BO Hungary HU Netherlands NL Tunisia TN
Brazil BR Iceland IS New Zealand NZ Turkey TR
BN India IN Norway NO Ukraine UA
Table 5-5: System Management Commands
Command Function Mode Page