
108 Operation
Chapter 4 - System Configuration
After you have configured the radio settings, select Security under Radio G, set an
SSID to identify the wireless network service provided by each VAP you want to
use, and then click Apply to save your settings.
Before enabling the radio service for any VAP, first configure the WEP, WPA, and
802.1X security settings described in the following sections. After you have
finished configuring the security settings, return to the main Security page shown
below, start the required VAP interfaces by clicking the Enable checkbox, and
then click Apply.
Enable – Enables radio communications on the VAP interface. (Default: Disabled)
SSID – The name of the basic service set provided by a VAP interface. Clients that
want to connect to the network through the access point must set their SSID to
the same as that of an access point VAP interface. (Default: VAP_TEST_11A #
(0-3); Range: 1-32 characters) Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
WEP provides a basic level of security, preventing unauthorized access to the
network, and encrypting data transmitted between wireless clients and the access
point. WEP uses static shared keys (fixed-length hexadecimal or alphanumeric
strings) that are manually distributed to all clients that want to use the network.
Figure 4-23: Security
You must first enable VAP interface 0 before you can enable other VAP interfaces.