Emerson MODBUS 485 Power Supply User Manual

Modbus 485 and Modbus IP Protocols - UPS Systems
127 Liebert
Modbus/BACnet IP
Battery Time Remaining 30437 1
Units : min
Uint 16
Battery Volts for Cabinet 30438 1 10
Units : VDC
Uint 16
DC Bus Current 30439 1 100
Units : A DC
Uint 16
Battery Percentage Charge 30440 1
Units : %
UPS Battery Status 30441 1
1 = Unknown
2 = Normal
3 = Low
4 = Depleted
Battery is 30442 1
0 = fully charged
1 = charging
2 = discharging
3 = not charging
(charger off)
Battery Temperature 30443 1 10
Units : deg C
Battery Temperature 30444 10
Units : degF
Number of Discharge Cycles 30445 1 Uint 16
Accumulated Discharge Time 30446 1 10
Units : hr
Uint 16
Time Until Next Auto Battery Test 30447 2
Units : min
Number of EBC Installed 30449 1 Uint 16
Low Battery Warning Time 30450 40450 1
Units : min
Uint 16
Automatic Battery Test 30451 40451 1
0 = disabled
1 = enabled
Auto Battery Test Interval 30452 40452 1
0 = 8 weeks
1 = 12 weeks
2 = 16 weeks
3 = 20 weeks
4 = 26 weeks
Manual Battery Test 40453 1 1 = Start Test
System Output Voltage RMS L1-N 30464 1 10
Units : VAC
Uint 16
System Output Voltage RMS L2-N 30465 1 10
Units : VAC
Uint 16
System Output Voltage RMS L1-L2 30466 1 10
Units : VAC
Uint 16
System Output RMS Current L1 30467 1 10
Units : A AC
Uint 16
System Output RMS Current L2 30468 1 10
Units : A AC
System Output Frequency 30469 1 100
Units : Hz
Uint 16
System Output Power Factor L1 30470 1 100 Uint 16
System Output Power Factor L2 30471 1 100 Uint 16
System Output Apparent Power 30472 1 100
Units : kVA
Uint 16
Table 44 Liebert APS
- Input and Holding (continued)
Data Label
# of
Reg. Scale Notes / Units