Emerson MODBUS 485 Power Supply User Manual

Modbus 485 and Modbus IP Protocols - UPS Systems
Modbus/BACnet IP 166
Multiple Fan Failure Multiple fan failure
On Generator A generator is supplying the power to the system
Output Amp Over User Limit-Phs A The phase A output has exceeded the user amperage threshold
Output Amp Over User Limit-Phs B The phase B output has exceeded the user amperage threshold
Output Amp Over User Limit-Phs C The phase C output has exceeded the user amperage threshold
Output Apparent Power Rating Output apparent power rating
Output Breaker (CB2/IOB) Output breaker (CB2/IOB)
Output Load on Maint. Bypass The output power is supplied by the maintenance bypass
Output Qualification Status output qualification status
Output Real Power Rating Output real power rating
Output Series Static Switch output series static switch
Output Wire Configuration Output wire configuration
Power Supply Failure Power supply failure
Rectifier Active Filter Rectifier input active filter configuration
Rectifier Failure Rectifier failure - rectifier is off
Rectifier Feed Breaker (RFB) Rectifier feed breaker (RFB)
Rectifier Input Passive Filter Rectifier input passive filter configuration
Rectifier Operation Inhibit-Ext The operation of the rectifier is inhibited by an external signal
Rectifier Passive Filter Switch Rectifier input passive filter switch configuration
Rectifier Pulse Count Rectifier pulse count per cycle configuration
Rectifier Status rectifier status
SBS Load Disconnect SBS load disconnect
Service Code Active Service code is running
Static Bypass Switch Static Bypass Switch state - On/Off
Static Switch Type Static switch type configuration
System Breaker(s) Close Failure One or more breakers in the system failed to close
System Breaker(s) Open Failure One or more breakers in the system failed to open
System Controller Error System controller internal error
System Date and Time The system date and time
System Fan Failure - Redundant Redundant system fan failure
System Input Current Imbalance System Input Currents are Imbalanced
System Input Current Limit The RMS input current has reached the input current limit threshold
System Input Frequency The system input frequency
System Input Nominal Frequency The nominal (or rated) system input frequency
System Input Nominal Voltage The nominal (or rated) system input voltage
System Input Phs Rotation Error
The power conductors on the input line are not wired to the UPS in the
sequence preferred for the rectifier (A-B-C)
System Input Power Problem The input is not qualified to provide power to the system
System Input Power Source System input power source
System Input RMS A-B The System Input RMS Voltage between Phase A and Phase B
System Input RMS B-C The System Input RMS Voltage between Phase B and Phase C
System Input RMS C-A The System Input RMS Voltage between Phase C and Phase A
System Input RMS Current Phase A The system input RMS current for Phase A
System Input RMS Current Phase B The system input RMS current for Phase B
Table 57 Liebert NXL
- 60Hz, UL version (Model 40) - Glossary (continued)
Data Label Data Description