Emerson MODBUS 485 Power Supply User Manual

Modbus 485 and Modbus IP Protocols - Thermal Management Products
Modbus/BACnet IP 46
Condenser Refrigerant Pressure Over
Condenser refrigerant pressure has exceeded a threshold.
Condenser Refrigerant Pressure Sensor
Condenser refrigerant pressure sensor is disconnected or the signal is out
of range.
Condenser Refrigerant Pressure Under
Condenser refrigerant pressure has dropped below a threshold.
Condenser Supply Refrigerant Over Temp Condenser supply refrigerant temperature has exceeded a threshold.
Condenser Supply Refrigerant Temp Sensor
Condenser supply refrigerant temperature sensor is disconnected or the
signal is out of range.
Condenser Supply Refrigerant Under Temp
Condenser supply refrigerant temperature has dropped below a specified
Condenser TVSS Issue The condenser Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor device has failed.
Condenser Unit Unspecified General Event
One or more unspecified condenser unit events active. See local unit
display for further details.
Condenser VFD Issue The condenser fan Variable Frequency Drive is offline.
Cooling Capacity (Primary) Compressor utilization or chilled water valve position, based on unit type.
Cooling Proportional Band
Temperature control band above [Air Temperature Set Point]. If measured
air temperature is within this band, cooling operations are proportionally
Customer Input 1 Customer Input 1.
Customer Input 2 Customer input 2.
Customer Input 3 Customer input 3.
Customer Input 4 Customer input 4.
Dehumidification Proportional Band
Humidity control band above [Humidity Set Point]. If measured humidity is
within this band, dehumidification operations are proportionally controlled.
Dehumidifier Hours Exceeded Operating hours for the dehumidifier have exceeded the threshold.
Dehumidifier Utilization
Present dehumidifier utilization expressed as a percentage of the maximum
rated capacity.
Dig Scroll Comp 1 Over Temp
Digital scroll compressor 1 shut off because its head temperature has
exceeded the upper threshold.
Dig Scroll Comp 1 Temp Sensor Issue
Digital scroll compressor 1 temperature sensor is disconnected or the
signal is out of range.
Electric Reheater Hours Exceeded Operating hours for electric reheater have exceeded the threshold.
Ext Compressor Lockout The compressor is shut down and disabled by an external input signal.
Ext Condenser Pump High Water
High water is detected in the condenser, as indicated by an external input
Ext Humidifier Lockout The humidifier is shut down and disabled by an external input signal.
Ext Loss of Flow Loss of flow is detected, as indicated by an external input signal.
Ext Over Temperature
A temperature has exceeded its threshold, as indicated by an external input
Ext Reheat Lockout The reheater is shut down and disabled by an external input signal.
Ext Standby Glycol Pump On The standby glycol pump is on, as indicated by an external input signal.
External Fire Detected Fire detected, as indicated by an external input signal.
Fan Control Mode
Fan control mode. Allowable modes are: (0) Auto - Fan speed is controlled
via the selected fan control sensor, and, (1) Manual - Fan will operate at a
fixed speed.
Fan Control Sensor
Sensor from which air temperature measurements will be used for fan
speed control.
Fan Hours Exceeded Operating hours for the unit blower fan have exceeded the threshold.
Fan Speed Manual Set Point Manual fan speed.
Fan Speed Maximum Set Point Maximum fan speed.
Fan Speed Minimum Set Point Minimum fan speed.
Table 13 Liebert CRV
- Glossary (continued)
Controller Liebert iCOM
Data Label Data Description