Emerson MODBUS 485 Power Supply User Manual

BACnet Communications - BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
219 Liebert
Modbus/BACnet IP
Binary Object Properties
Multistate Object Properties
Binary Object
Value Comments
Object_Identifier x x x
Object_Name xxx
Object_Type x x x
Present_Value x x x
Writable if any of these conditions apply:
Object is Binary Output
Object is Binary Value and associated device Data Description is writable
Out_Of_Service is True
Description x x x
Status_Flags x x x
Event_State xxx
Reliability x x x
Out_Of_Service x x x Writable. Values: True/False. Default: False.
Polarity x x
Inactive_Text x x x
Active_text x x x
Priority_Array x (x) Support for this property on Binary Value objects is device-dependent.
Relinquish_Default x (x)
Support for this property on Binary Value objects is device-dependent. The
value is equal to the Present_Value so that if all entries in the Priority_Array
are relinquished, the Present_Value does not change.
Multistate Object
Value Comments
Object_Identifier x x x
Object_Name x x x
Object_Type x x x
Present_Value x x x
Writable if any of these conditions apply:
Object is Multistate Output
Object is Multistate Value and associated device Data
Description is writable
Out_Of_Service is True
Description x x x
Status_Flags x x x
Event_State x x x
Reliability x x x
Out_Of_Service x x x Writable. Values: True/False. Default: False.
Number_Of_States x x x
State_Text x x x
Priority_Array x (x)
Support for this property on Multistate Value objects is device-
Relinquish_Default x (x)
Support for this property on Multistate Value objects is device-
dependent. The value is equal to the Present_Value so that if all
entries in the Priority_Array are relinquished, the Present_Value
does not change.