Index 167
Accessories, ordering, 121, 155, 159
Adobe Acrobat Reader, using, 7 to 8
Aligning the print head, 129, 146
changing properties in Smart Panel, 100
registering in Smart Panel, 98 to 99
removing from Smart Panel, 100
Automatic document feeder
cleaning paper path guide, 117 to 119
clearing paper jams, 115 to 116
installing, 111 to 113
loading original document, 20, 114 to 115
option cover, 112
ordering, 159
problems, 134
Background printing, 43
Banding problems, 129, 145 to 146
Blank pages, 142
Blurry printouts, 147
Brightness, 30
Buttons, control panel, 21 to 22
Cable requirements, 157 to 158
Catalog, PrintFun, 66 to 68
EPSON Stylus Scan, 129 to 130
paper path guide, 117 to 119
print head, 126 to 128
copy settings, 30
correcting in scans, 72 to 74
problems, 149
ColorSync, 46
Contrast, 30
Control panel
cleaning print head, 127 to 128
using, 21 to 22
Copy Utility
adjusting brightness, 30
adjusting colors, 30
adjusting contrast, 30
adjusting copy size, 25 to 27
adjusting quality, 25
adjusting saturation, 30
advanced settings, 28 to 31, 34
automatic enhancements, 28
basic copying, 23 to 25
collating multiple copies, 30 to 31
Media Type setting, 24
monotone conversions, 29 to 30
multiple copies on a page, 29
multiple pages, 24
photographs, copying, 24
previewing image, 27
saving settings, 34
scaling, 26 to 27
straightening the image, 29
text, copying, 24
time stamps, 31 to 33
using, 23 to 34
watermarks, 31 to 33