82 Scanning
6. Click the
Save button. You see the following window:
7. Click
to close Scan to OCR,
Continue Exporting
save additional files, or
Return to Start
to delete your
edited text file and start the scanning to OCR process from
the beginning.
Opening a Word Processing Program
1. Click
in the Export window. You see a window like
The software automatically detects the word processing
programs that can open the scanned file.
2. Select the program you want to use, then click the
button. (If you want to remove a program from the list or
change a default file format for a program, click
and see page 84 before you click
If you’re saving your file
in PDF format, you’ll
see the Save As window
instead of the Continue
Exporting window.
Navigate to the folder
where you want to save
your file, type a new file
name, and click OK.
Type any information
you want to add on the
next screen, then click
OK again.