1.2.2 Paper Feeding
0 Feeding method: Push tractor feed (front / rear)
Push and pull tractor feed (front I rear)
0 Feeder:
Front push tractor, rear push tractor, pull tractor (option)
Paper path: Tractor (front in, rear in, top out)
Line spacing: 1 I6 inches or programmable in increments of 1 I216 inches.
Feed speed:
l/6-inch feed:
26.5 ms
Continuous feed: 0.251 mps (m/s).
9.9 ips
Note : The feeding speed will be reduced to 0.152 mps (6.0 ips) when the pull tractor is mounted.
1.2.3 Electrical Specification
0 120 V version:
Rated voltage :
Input vonage range :
Rated frequency range :
Input frequency range :
Rated current :
Power consumption :
Insulation resistance :
Dielectric strength ;
0 220 - 240 V version:
Rated voltage :
Input voltage range :
Rated frequency range :
Input frequency range :
Rated current :
Power consumption :
lnsulatiin resistance :
Dielectric strength :
49.5 to 60.5 Hz
3.5 A (max.7.5 A)
Approx.160 W (ISO/lEC10561 Letter pattern)
Energy Star compliant
10 M ohms min. (between AC line and chassis, 500 V DC)
1000 AC Vrms. 1 min. or
1200 AC Vrms. 1 sec. (between AC line and chassis)
220 to 240 V AC
50 to 60 Hz
49.5 to 60.5 Hz
1.4 A (max.3.5 A)
Approx.160 W (iSO/lEClO561 Letter pattern)
Energy Star compliant
10 M ohms min. (between AC line and chassis, 500 V DC)
1500 AC Vrms. 1 min. (between AC line and chassis)
1.2.4 Environmental Condition
0 Temperature : 5 tp 35 ‘C (operating)
-30 to 60 ‘C (non-operating)
P Humidity :
0 Resistance to shock :
Resistance to vibration :
‘1: Without condensation
2 With shipment container
1.2.5 Reliability
Total print volume :
cl Print head fife :
P Ribbon life :
10 to 80 % RH (operating) ‘1)
5 to 85 % RH (non-operating) ‘1)
1 G. within 1 ms (operating)
2 G, within 2 ms (non-operating) ‘2)
0.25 G, 10 to 55 Hz (operating)
0.50 G, 10 to 55 Hz (non-operating) ‘2)
26 million lines (except print head)
10000 POH
400 million characters at 14 dots/character
15 million characters at 14 dots /character
Rev. A