Finisar Surveyor Network Card User Manual

Capture and Display Filters
Creating Filters with Filter Templates
Creating and Applying a Conversation
Add Conversation to Template area of the Filter Design window provides a con-
venient way to add address byte patterns to a filter. The area consists of a protocol
selection, frame type selection, two station addresses, a direction indicator, and an
enable/disable check box. Refer to the table below for field definitions that com-
prise a conversation.
Protocol and Frame Type
The protocol and the frame type are selected from pull-down boxes. Surveyor auto-
matically restricts you from entering combinations that make no sense.
Surveyor will automatically set up the correct protocol and frame type when you
select a station address from the name table.
Station Addresses
Station addresses can be entered directly or by clicking on the
Name button
after either
Station Address field. Clicking on either button brings up the current
name table to select an address. The
Name Table window shows all name and
address associations, including the protocol and the frame type. The name and
address associations displayed are those in the currently active name table. Double-
clicking on a name table entry will load that name into the currently-selected
Table 7-1. Defining Conversations
Conversation Element Description
Protocol MAC, IP, IPX, or Atalk (AppleTalk)
Frame Type All, EV2 (Ethernet II), SNAP, 8022 (IEEE 802.2), 8023 (IEEE 802.3),
Frame type applies to network layer addresses only. Use Q+EV2 in
conjunction with VLAN as the Frame Type for Ports to filter on 802.1Q
Station Address 1 Complete IP, IPX, MAC, or ATalk station address.
Traffic Direction Indicator
<-> Capture/Display all traffic between Station 1 and Station 2
-> Capture/Display only the traffic where Station 1 is the Source
Address and Station 2 is the Destination Address
<- Capture/Display only the traffic where Station 2 is the Source
Address and Station 1 is the Destination Address
Station Address 2 Complete IP, IPX, MAC, or ATalk station address.
Apply Conversation to
Template check box
Enable (include) or Disable the conversation as part of the filter tem-