Finisar Surveyor Network Card User Manual

User’s Guide
Viewing the Alarm List and the Alarm Log
There are several ways to access the list of alarms or a log of alarm events. From
Detail View, click on the button to open a window from which you can see the
Alarms List and Alarm Log tab. From Summary View, click on the Alarms or Alarm
Log tab for the resource.
Click on the
Alarms List tab to view all alarms set for this resource. This is same
view as the alarms listed in the Current Module Alarms dialog box. The alarm group
name is listed for the alarm.
Click on the
Alarm Log tab to see a list of the alarms that have triggered for this
resource. Alarms are numbered consecutively as they occur over time.
Hints and Tips for Alarms
Click, hold, and drag a column border to resize columns in the alarm table.
To set more than one alarm of the same type, click on the type you want to
duplicate and press the
Insert key. A new alarm row appears below the current
row. Fill out the settings in the new row.
To set one alarm that has multiple actions, click on the alarm type you want to
duplicate and press the
Insert key. Change the Actions field of the new row to
the additional action you want. For example, you could have one alarm of type
Packets with the action set to E-mail and one alarm of type Packets with the
alarm type set to Pager. Note that if the alarm rows are identical except for the
action, you will get two messages in the message window for the alarm, since a
message is always posted when any alarm is triggered.
You can copy values in one alarm row to another. Click on the Alarm Type in
the alarm row you want to copy. The row highlights; press Crtl + C to copy.
Click on the Alarm Type in the alarm row where you want to place the copied
values and press Crtl + V.