User’s Guide
Counter Type Description
ICMP Destination
The number of ICMP destination unreachable errors over a period
of time per segment. Unreachable errors include Network Unreach-
able, Host Unreachable, Protocol Unreachable, Port Unreachable,
Fragmentation Needed [D/F Set], Source Route Failed, Destination
Network Unknown, Destination Host Unknown, Destination Net-
work Access Denied, Destination Host Access Denied, Network
Unreachable for TOS, and Host Unreachable for TOS.
ICMP Redirect The number of ICMP redirect errors over a period of time per seg-
ment. Redirect errors include Network Redirect, Host Redirect,
Network Redirect for TOS, and Host Redirect for TOS.
Illegal MAC Station Address The number of illegal MAC station source addresses over a period
of time per segment.
Illegal Network Source
The number of illegal network source addresses over a period of
time per segment.
IP Checksum Errors The number of incorrect IP checksums over a period of time per
IP Time to Live Expiring The number of expiring connections over a period of time per seg-
ISL BPDU/CDP Packets The number of Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) or Cisco Discov-
ery Protocol (CDP) packets over a period of time per segment.
ISL Illegal VLAN ID The number of ISL illegal VLAN IDs over a period of time per seg-
NCP Server Busy The number of NCP Server Busy events a period of time per seg-
Network Overload The number of instances where a threshold for the percentage
change in network utilization is exceeded.
New MAC Stations The number of the new MAC stations over a period of time per seg-
NFS Retransmissions The number of NFS Retransmissions over a period of time per seg-
Non Responsive Stations The number of Non Responsive Station events. A non-responsive
station is defined as successive TCP/IP retransmissions over the
same connection that are greater than a threshold value.
OSPF Broadcasts The number of OSPF broadcasts over a period of time per seg-
Overload Frame Rate The number of frames over a one-second time period.
Table 12-4. Alphabetical List and Descriptions of Expert Counters (continued)