Finisar Surveyor Network Card User Manual

Expert Counters
Counter Type Description
Overload Utilization Percent-
Counts bits over time and compares this value to the maximum uti-
lization possible (bandwidth).
No HTTP POST Response The number of no HTTP POST responses over a period of time per
No Server Response The number of no server responses over a period of time per seg-
Physical Errors The number of Physical Error events. The event occurs when a
change in the number of total MAC physical errors per second
exceeds a threshold.
RIP Broadcasts The number of RIP broadcasts over a period of time per segment.
Router Storm The number of router storm events over a period of time per seg-
Same MAC Addresses The number of same network addresses over a period of time per
Same Network Addresses The number of same MAC addresses over a period of time per
SAP Broadcasts The number of SAP broadcasts over a period of time per segment.
Slow HTTP GET Response The number of slow HTTP GET responses over a period of time
per segment.
Slow HTTP POST Response The number of slow HTTP POST responses over a period of time
per segment.
Slow Server Connect The number of slow server responses over a period of time per
Slow Server Response The number of slow server responses over a period of time per
SMB Invalid Network Name The number of SMB invalid network names over a period of time
per segment.
TCP Checksum Errors The number of incorrect TCP checksums over a period of time per
segment. This counter is turned OFF by default and must be turned
ON by the user.
TCP/IP Frozen Window The number of TCP/IP Frozen Window events over a period of
time per segment.
TCP/IP Long Acks The number of TCP/IP Long Ack events over a period of time per
Table 12-4. Alphabetical List and Descriptions of Expert Counters (continued)