Finisar Surveyor Network Card User Manual

Expert Features
Application Layer
NCP Too Many Requests Denied
NCP Too Many Requests Denied is a counter of events where the ratio of file
requests denied to file requests exceeds a threshold value for a single station. A
count of all NCP Too Many Requests Denied events displays in the
counters of Expert View.
Expert Analysis
NCP Too Many Requests Denied events are automatically logged as expert
analyses. The
Symptom Summary field provides the file requests denied ratio,
showing the total number of requests denied divided by the total number of file
requests. For example:
Requests denied ratio is (8 / 28) = 28%
The threshold value for this symptom can be changed. The default value is a 20%
requests denied ratio.
Diagnostic Details
Problem Description:
The expert threshold for the ratio of requests denied over requests sent has been exceeded.
Probable Cause(s):
1. There may be a problem with the configuration of the application.
2. There may be a problem with the NCP client application.
Recommended Action(s):
1. Upgrade the NCP client application.
2. Reconfigure the application.