
User’s Guide
Detail View Toolbar
Save button
Saves the current contents of the capture buffer to a file. A dialog box
displays, allowing you to select the file name and directory.
Print button
Prints the contents of the current view.
Start button
Starts a module. The module captures or transmits packets, depending
on the whether the mode is set to transmit or capture.
Stop button
Stops a module. The module ceases to capture packets or transmit
Capture Mode button
Places the currently selected resource in capture mode. This button is
gray if the resource is currently active (started).
Monitor Mode button
Activates the monitor functions for the currently selected resource. If
the resource does not support monitoring functions, the resource is put
into capture mode. This button is gray if the resource is currently active
Cap+Disk Mode button
Places the currently selected resource in Cap+Disk mode. Captured data
is automatically saved to disk. This button is gray if the resource is
currently active (started).
Transmit Mode button
Places the currently selected resource in transmit mode. This button is
gray if the resource is currently active (started).
Capture View button
Selects Capture View mode for viewing captured information. You can
see protocol decodes in this view. Capture View has its own toolbar to
allow you to select other view of captured information.