Finisar Surveyor Network Card User Manual

User’s Guide
Name Table Utility
A name table provides associations between easy-to-remember symbolic names
(Mickey) and hard-to-remember network addresses (0x78AB00004235).
Surveyor and Finisar analyzer devices learn names automatically by viewing the
network portion of DNS, SAP, and NetBIOS packets. A default name table is
supplied by Surveyor containing well-known name-to-address associations. You can
change the default name table. A conversion utility (
NIS-to-Name-Table utility) is
available to convert existing name tables into the name table format used by
Figure 13-1 on page 13-3 shows the Name Table dialog box. The name table
contains three columns: Protocol, Name, Address. The 1st column contains the
name of the Protocol that the address is associated with. The 2nd contains a name in
the form of a character string that represents the address. The 3rd column contains
the numeric address. Names can be associated with MAC, IP, IPX, or SNA
addresses in a name table.
Name table data is presented as a table which can be sorted by clicking the column
headers. Click and drag on column dividers to size columns.
Name Table dialog box initially displays the default name table. You can
manually add, modify, or delete name table entries. You can also change the active
name table so that Surveyor will use a different name table file. You can create
many name tables, but only one table is active at a time.
You can also let Surveyor learn names and addresses automatically from the
network for MAC, IP, IPX, or SNA protocols. You can have Surveyor record all
new addresses in the name table, or only those that have a corresponding symbolic
name. Surveyor can capture name-address associations in real-time monitoring
mode as well as capture mode. New names are added to the name table in monitor
mode as they are discovered in the data stream. You must save any changes to the
currently active name table in a name table file or changes will be lost when you exit