Finisar Surveyor Network Card User Manual

Alarm Actions
Alarm Actions
Each line in an alarm table has a unique set of actions associated with it that will
occur if the alarm is triggered.
By default, two actions always occur when an alarm is triggered – an audible alarm
and a message in the
Message window. You can set one additional action to occur
when you set the action to a type other than
Message. For example, setting the
alarm action to
E-mail results in an audible alarm, a message, and an e-mail message
when the alarm is triggered.
You can have one of nine actions associated with the alarm. Possible actions appear
in a menu when you select the
Actions field. Not all actions are available for all
device types. Use the scroll bar to see all available actions. Table 9-4 describes
alarm actions and which host types are supported.
Table 9-4. Alarm Actions
Alarm Action Description Support by Host
Message records the message in the Message window in the Surveyor
main window and sounds the audible alarm. No other actions
occur if this setting is selected. This is the default value for
alarm actions.
E-mail sends the message to pre-configured e-mail addresses.
Your e-mail application does not need to be running for
alarms to generate e-mail messages.
Pager sends alarms to pre-configured pager numbers. Surveyor only
Log records alarms in a pre-configured log file and saves the
buffer to disk.
Stop&Save stops the module when the alarm occurs. If the host is a PC
running Surveyor, the buffer is saved to disk. The name auto-
matically assigned to this file is based on the date and time
of the alarm event.
Stop&Report stops the module when the alarm occurs. THGs only reports
that the analyzer has stopped by sending a message.
Restart resets all counters and begins capture from the point where
the alarm occurred. All counters are set to zero and the
resource begins capture. This allows you to collect data and
count it after a particular event has occurred.
Auto Save automatically saves data in the capture buffer at the time the
event occurs.