76 Intel Storage System SSR212PP User Guide
Revision 1.0
Installing the Navisphere Server Utility on a Linux Server
STEP 1. Insert the SSR212PP-Series Server Support Products CD into the server s CD drive.
STEP 2. Install the Navisphere Server Utility on the server:
rpm -i naviserverutil-version-build.platform.rpm
where version and build are the version number and the build number of the Navisphere
Server Utility on the CD (for example, and platform is your Linux platform
number (for example,
i386, ia64, or x86-64).
For a SuSE ia64 system, use t
rpm -i naviserverutil_suse-version-build.platform.rpm
If you are upgrading the utility on the server, use -u in place of -i.
The installation process adds a line to the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file that starts the server utility
on reboot, provided root has execute permission for the
/etc/rc.d/rc.local file.
STEP 3. Remove the CD from the server s CD drive.