National Instruments Corporation G-3 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
b bit—one binary digit, either 0 or 1
B byte—eight related bits of data, an eight-bit binary number. Also used
to denote the amount of memory required to store one byte of data.
bandwidth the range of frequencies present in a signal, or the range of frequencies
to which a measuring device can respond
base address a memory address that serves as the starting address for programmable
registers. All other addresses are located by adding to the base address.
baud rate serial communications data transmission rate expressed in bits per
second (b/s)
BCD binary-coded decimal
binary a number system with a base of 2
BIOS basic input/output system- BIOS functions are the fundamental level
of any PC or compatible computer. BIOS functions embody the basic
operations needed for successful use of the computer’s hardware
bipolar a signal range that includes both positive and negative values (for
example, -5 V to +5 V)
BNC a type of coaxial signal connector
break-before-make a type of switching contact that is completely disengaged from one
terminal before it connects with another terminal
breakdown voltage the voltage high enough to cause breakdown of optical isolation,
semiconductors, or dielectric materials. See also working voltage.
buffer temporary storage for acquired or generated data (software)
burst-mode a high-speed data transfer in which the address of the data is sent
followed by back-to-back data words while a physical signal is asserted
bus the group of conductors that interconnect individual circuitry in a
computer. Typically, a bus is the expansion vehicle to which I/O or
other devices are connected. Examples of PC buses are the AT bus,
NuBus, Micro Channel, and EISA bus.