AT-MIO-16X User Manual G-14
National Instruments Corporation
LabVIEW laboratory virtual instrument engineering workbench
latched digital I/O a type of digital acquisition/generation where a device or module
accepts or transfers data after a digital pulse has been received. Also
called handshaked digital I/O.
LED light-emitting diode
library a file containing compiled object modules, each comprised of one of
more functions, that can be linked to other object modules that make use
of these functions. NIDAQMSC.LIB is a library that contains NI-DAQ
functions. The NI-DAQ function set is broken down into object
modules so that only the object modules that are relevant to your
application are linked in, while those object modules that are not
relevant are not linked.
linearity the adherence of device response to the equation R = KS, where
R = response, S = stimulus, and K = a constant
linearization a type of signal conditioning in which software linearizes the voltage
levels from transducers, so the voltages can be scaled to measure
physical phenomena
listener a device on the GPIB that receives information from a Talker on the bus
low frequency corner in an AC-coupled circuit, the frequency below which signals are
attenuated by at least 3 dB
LS low-power schottsky
LSB least significant bit
M (1) Mega, the standard metric prefix for 1 million or 10
, when used
with units of measure such as volts and hertz; (2) mega, the prefix for
1,048,576, or 2
, when used with B to quantify data or computer