Toshiba VF-FS1 Power Supply User Manual

Table of input terminal functions 2
Code Function Action
43 CLR Frequency UP/DOWN cancellation signal input
from external contacts
OFFON: Resetting of UP/DOWN frequency by
means of external contacts
44 CLR+RES Combination of frequency UP/DOWN cancellation
and reset by means of external contacts
ON: Simultaneous input from CLR and RES
45 EXTN Inversion of trip stop command from external
OFF: G Trip stop
46 OH Thermal trip stop signal input from external device ON: QJ Trip stop
47 OHN Inversion of thermal trip stop command from
external device
OFF: QJ Trip stop
48 SC/LC Forced switching from remote to local control Enabled when remote control is exercised
ON: Local control (setting of EOQF, HOQF and
OFF: Remote control
49 HD Operation holding (stop of 3-wire operation) ON: F (forward run)/R: (reverse run) held, 3-wire
OFF: Slowdown stop
51 CKWH Display cancellation of the cumulative power
amount (kWh)
ON: Monitor display cancellation of the cumulative
power amount (kWh)
52 FORCE Forced operation (factory configuration required) ON: Forced operation mode in which operation is
not stopped in the event of the occurrence of
a soft fault (preset speed operation frequency
7) To use this function, the inverter needs to
be so configured at the factory.
OFF: Normal operation
53 FIRE Fire-speed control ON: Fire-speed operation (H Forced fire-
speed setting frequncy)
OFF: Normal operation
54 STN Coast stop (gate off) ON: Coast stop (gate off)
55 RESN Inversion of RES ON: Acceptance of reset command
OFF ON: Trip reset
56 F+ST Combination of forward run and standby ON: Simultaneous input from F and ST
57 R+ST Combination of reverse run and standby ON: Simultaneous input from R and ST
61 OCS2 Forced switching of stall prevention level 2 ON: Enabled at the value of H
OFF: Enabled at the value of H
62 HDRY Holding of RY-RC terminal output ON: Once turned on, RY-RC are held on.
OFF: The status of RY-RC changes in real time
according to conditions.
64 PRUN Cancellation (clearing) of operation command from
0: Operation command canceled (cleared)
1: Operation command retained
65 ICLR PID control integral value clear ON: PID control integral value always zero
OFF: PID control permitted
66 ST+F+SS1 Combination of standby, forward run and preset-
speed command 1
ON: Simultaneous input from ST, F and SS1
67 ST+R+SS1 Combination of standby, reverse run and preset-
speed command 1
ON: Simultaneous input from ST, R and SS1
68 ST+F+SS2 Combination of standby, forward run and preset-
speed command 2
ON: Simultaneous input from ST, F and SS2
69 ST+R+SS2 Combination of standby, reverse run and preset-
speed command 2
ON: Simultaneous input from ST, R and SS2
70 ST+F+SS3 Combination of standby, forward run and preset-
speed command 3
ON: Simultaneous input from ST, F and SS3
71 ST+R+SS3 Combination of standby, reverse run and preset-
speed command 3
ON: Simultaneous input from ST, R and SS3
Note: When function 1, 10, 11, 16, 38, 41-47, 51-55, 62 or 64 is assigned to an input terminal board, the input
terminal board is enabled even if the parameter command mode selection EOQF is set at (panel).