PhaserShare Networking Manual
Windows NT
Adding a Windows NT 3.x driver
This update procedure provides printer page size information for Windows NT
applications. However, TekColor color corrections and other PostScript Level 2
features are not supported by the Windows NT driver. Refer to your printer’s user
documentation for instructions on other ways of selecting color corrections. Refer to
your Microsoft Windows NT documentation for details on features in the
Windows NT driver.
These instructions assume a basic familiarity with Windows NT operation and
terminology. For additional information about Windows NT, refer to your Microsoft
Windows NT documentation.
Start your system with Windows NT.
From the Main window, double-click the Print Manager icon.
Install the Tektronix printer. From the Printer menu, select Create Printer;
the Create Printer dialog box appears.
Under Driver, scroll to the end of the list and select Other; the Install
Driver dialog box appears.
When prompted, do one of the following.
■ If you are using the printer’s CD-ROM: Type the CD-ROM drive
location. Click OK; the Select Driver dialog box appears.
■ If you are using the printer’s software for Windows diskette:
Type the diskette drive location. Click OK; the Select Driver dialog
box appears.
Under Printer Driver, choose your printer from the list, then click OK.
Under Print to, scroll to the end of the list and select Other; the Printer port
dialog box appears. Tektronix printers support two types of network ports
in Windows NT: LPR and AppleTalk. The next topic covers LPR ports; for
information on creating an AppleTalk port, see “Creating an AppleTalk
port” on page 111.
If you are using older drivers, you get a series of Noncritical Errors stating
that Windows NT is unable to open the
file and the
files. Click Ignore or update your driver.