PhaserShare Networking Manual
EtherTalk, LocalTalk, and TokenTalk Configuration
If the printer is not in the Chooser, use the following troubleshooting procedure.
Check that the Configuration Page shows a printer name, a node number,
and a zone.
■ If there is no node number, verify that the printer is properly cabled to
the network. Test the cable segment by plugging in a new cable
segment or using the cable segment of a printer that is in the Chooser.
■ If your network uses zones, and there is no zone name on the
Configuration Page, or if the Configuration Page shows the wrong
zone, see “Changing the printer’s EtherTalk/TokenTalk zone
(optional)” on page 29.
If the Configuration Page shows the correct printer name, node number,
and zone, and the printer is still not visible in the Chooser, check the
following items:
■ If there is a Novell NetWare server on the network, verify that the
NetWare server has been configured for Phase 2 routing and
■ If there is a Windows NT server on the network, verify that the printer
has not been captured by a Windows NT machine.
■ If the printer continually reboots when connected to the network, it is
possible that a router is broadcasting a zone of *, which is an invalid
■ If using QuickDraw GX, the GX drivers must be installed. If you don't
use QuickDraw GX, disable the QuickDraw GX, QuickDraw Helper,
and ColorSync extensions.
The printer cannot create a zone; it must already exist.