ADCP-61-471 • Issue 4 • June 2000 • Section 2: Operation and Maintenance
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Page 1 of 3
Use this procedure to set several parameters that must be set before using the X.25
interface. Table 558-1, Table 558-2, and Table 558-3 outline the X.25 interface parameters and
detailed technical specifications that are supported by the Soneplex Broadband system.
Data Link Layer LAPB Parameters
The Soneplex Broadband system data link layer uses the standard Link Access Procedure Balanced
(LAPB) protocol. Parameters supported, set values, configurable options, and defaults are shown in
Table 558-1.
Network Layer X.25 Packet Parameters
The Soneplex Broadband system now supports three Virtual Circuits, including two Permanent
Virtual Circuits (PVCs) (each assigned to a separate TL1 or Craft interface), and one Switched
Virtual Circuit (SVC). The X.25 interface operates only on Port 3. The PVC ID default
assignments are shown in Table 558-2.
Other Network Parameters
Other supported network parameters, set values, configurable options, and defaults are shown in
Table 558-3.
Edits can be made in the configuration database in one of two ways: 1) If the
complete field is highlighted, use the space bar to toggle forward or the “R” key to
reverse toggle through the options for that field. 2) If only the first space or the field is
highlighted, type in the data that applies to that field.
Edits to the configuration database can be saved after each change in one of two
ways: 1) by pressing an arrow key and then the Enter or Return key
; or 2) by
pressing the Enter or Return key
after all selections and entries are made in the
screen but before leaving the screen.
Press CONTROL-A for help information on moving around and editing fields.
1. Use the arrow keys to select System Configuration from the Main Menu. Press Enter or
2. Select X.25 Configuration and press Enter or Return. An X.25 Configuration screen is
shown in Figure 558-1.
3. Use the arrow keys to move to each toggle field, and the space bar to make each selection.
X.25 Configuration field defaults and options are listed in Tables 558-1, 558-2, and 558-3.