ADCP-61-471 • Issue 4 • June 2000 • Section 2: Operation and Maintenance
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Page 7 of 8
Table 105-1. TL1 Commands, continued
TL1 Security Commands
ACT-USER Logon a user to port
CANC-USER Logoff a user from port
DLT-SECU-USER Remove user ID from system
ED-SECU-CMD Change the security level required to execute command
ED-SECU-PID Changes the PID of the current user
ED-SECU-USER Changes the security level or password of a user
ENT-SECU-CMD Change the security level required to execute a TL1 command
ENT-SECU-USER Add a user to database
RTRV-SECU-CMD Retrieves the security level required by a user
RTRV-SECU-USER Retrieves the security level or password of a user
Administration Commands
DLT-EQPT Delete equipment
DLT-T1 Delete T1 configuration
ED-HDSL Change configuration HDSL
ED-SER Change the configuration of a serial port
ED-T1 Change configuration T1
ED-T2 Change configuration T2
ED-T3 Change configuration T3
ED-EQPT Change equipment
ENT-EQPT Provision equipment
ENT-T1 Provision T1
RTRV-EQPT Retrieve equipment configuration data
RTRV-HDSL Retrieve HDSL configuration data
RTRV-SER Retrieve the configuration of a serial port
RTRV-T1 Retrieve T1 configuration data
RTRV-T2 Retrieve ODS2/QFLC configuration data
RTRV-T3 Retrieve T3 configuration data