ADCP-61-471 • Issue 4 • June 2000 • Section 2: Operation and Maintenance
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
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Do Items Below in the Order Listed For Details Go To
5. Momentarily press the LMPTST switch on the APU front panel
and verify that all indicators light.
6. Connect terminal equipment to Craft port on the front of the MPU. DLP-504
7. Log on to the Craft Interface. DLP-526
8. Clear Alarm History. DLP-527
9. Enter Target Identifier and set date and time now or during
provisioning (the turn-up process). DLP-528
10. Configure DS3 MUX as required. DLP-529
11. Configure ODS2 modules as required. DLP-530
12. Clean and mate fiber optic connectors and adapters as required. DLP-507
13. Connect the test equipment at both ends of the system and perform
an end-to-end test between the Soneplex chassis and the remote
module. DLP-510
14. If the Soneplex system being tested is equipped with protection
Execute Force/APS commands through the Craft Interface. DLP-537
Perform Manual (Force) Switch to Protect test on DS3 MUX
module. DLP-511
Perform APS test on DS3 MUX module. DLP-512
Perform Manual (Force) Switch to Protect Test on ODS2 module. DLP-513
Perform APS test on ODS2 module. DLP-514
15. Log off from the Craft Interface system. DLP-564
16. Complete assignment forms and update office records as required by
local procedures. DLP-523