ADCP-61-471 • Issue 4 • June 2000 • Section 2: Operation and Maintenance
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
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This procedure provides instructions for installing the Version C, D, E, or G HLXC
module, which mounts in the half-height slots located in the middle of the chassis. A typical
HDSL Loop Extension (HLX) system consists of an HLXC module installed in the chassis and
an HLXR module installed at a remote location. There is no protection for the module or signal
when using HDSL circuits.
Modules can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD). Before handling
any modules, ESD protection must always be used. Ensure that all modules removed
from the chassis or not installed are properly stored in anti-static packing material.
When working with modules, always place the module on an electrically-grounded,
approved, anti-static mat.
When using HLXC modules in a group, NEVER install ODS2 modules in any of
the unused slots in the group.
1. Select the HLXC module. If it is not already installed, remove the module from its
protective ESD packaging. If the HLXC module is installed, remove it and inspect for
physical damage.
Version C HLXC only:
locate the configuration switches on the HLXC module printed
circuit board as shown in Figure 516-1.
Version C HLXC only:
set the configuration switches as specified in the work order.
These switch settings do not need to be set if the unit is to be provisioned via the software.
Otherwise, refer to Figure 516-1 for the switch handle settings. The following operating
parameters are switch-selectable:
• Loop 2 (enable/disable)
• Loop Power (on/off)
With loop 2 enabled, both HDSL loops will be active allowing a full DS1 payload.
With loop 2 disabled, the first 12 DS0 channels will be carried on loop 1 and DS0
channels 13 through 24 will be filled with all ones (fractional DS1).
When the Loop Power switch is set to the ON position, the HLXC module
supplies –130 VDC simplex power to the loops.
4. Determine which HLXC slots are to be used, referring to your work order and Figure 516-
2. Chassis slots 1-1 through 7-4 correspond to DS1 signals 1 through 28. See Table 516-1.
TAD-106 Access Identifier