Configuring Switch Information 235
Port Based Authentication
page contains the following fields:
Port Based Authentication State
— Permits port based authentication on the device. The possible
field values are:
— Enables port based authentication on the device.
— Disables port based authentication on the device.
Authentication Method
— The Authentication method used. The possible field values are:
RADIUS, None —
Indicates that port authentication is performed first via RADIUS server. If
the RADIUS server cannot be reached, then no authenication method is used. However, if a
failure occured, the port remains unauthorized and access is not granted.
Indicates that authentication occurs at the RADIUS server.
None —
Indicates that no authentication method is used.
— Contains a list of interfaces to authenticate.
User Name
— The user name as configured in the RADIUS server.
Admin Interface Control
— Defines the port authorization state. The possible field values are:
Enables port based authentication per port. The interface moves between an
authorized or unauthorized state based on the authentication exchange between the device
and the client.
Authorized —
Places the interface into an authorized state without being authenticated. The
interface sends and receives normal traffic without client port based authentication.
Denies the selected interface system access by moving the interface into
unauthorized state. The device cannot provide authentication services to the client through
the interface.
Current Interface Control
— The current port authorization state. An asterisk displays if the port
is currently down.
Periodic Reauthentication
— Reauthenticates the selected port periodically, when enabled.
Reauthentication Period (300-4294967295)
— Indicates the time span in which the selected port
is reauthenticated. The field value is in seconds. The field default is 3600 seconds.
Reauthenticate Now
— Forces immediate port reauthentication, when selected.
Authentication Server Timeout (1-65535)
— Defines the amount of time that lapses before the
device resends a request to the authentication server. The field value is in seconds. The field
default is 30 seconds.
Resending EAP Identity Request (1-65535)
— Defines the amount of time that lapses before EAP
requests are resent. The field value is in seconds. The field default is 30 seconds.