
5.13 Viewing the Update Status Lists
Status details can be viewed for each of the following update types:
z System Updates
z Add-in Installs
z Scanner Settings
The update status list for each update type can be viewed in the respective "Status Details"
This window appears when one of the "Scanner-Side Update Status" - "Targeted" numerical links
is selected on the "Scanner Admin Operations" window in the Central Admin Console.
Filter Conditions
Filters the scanners displayed in the scanner list.
z Scanner Name
Enter a part of or entire scanner name of the scanner to be filtered.
This may be up to 15 characters long.
z IP Address
Enter a part of or entire IP address of the scanner to be filtered.
This may be up to 15 characters long.
z Settings Group
Select the settings group of the scanner to be filtered.
The default is "(All)".
z Add-in Group
Select the Add-in group of the scanner to be filtered.
The default is "(All)".
z Status
Select the update status of the scanner to be filtered.
The default is "(All)".
z [Refresh List] button
Refreshes the list by filtering using the entered filtering conditions.