■ Advanced security measures
The following security functions are provided for the scanner.
z Login authentication can restrict user access.
z Scans can be converted to password protected PDF files.
z Scanned data can be protected.
Since the scanner is intended to be shared by multiple users, data privacy is an important factor.
The following security measures are used to protect the data against untoward access:
z Encryption
While it may be temporarily stored in the scanner before being e-mailed, faxed, printed, or
saved, the scanned data is always kept in an encrypted form, in order to prevent exposure of
data via analysis of the disk contents.
z Scanned data deletion
After the scanned data has been e-mailed, faxed, printed or saved, the temporary data is
deleted. Even if an error interrupts this process, leaving some scanned data in the scanner,
this will automatically be deleted at the next start up.
z Key regeneration
When the user data store is cleared from the scanner, the old cipher key is deleted and a
new cipher key is generated. This totally eliminates the possibility of access to any user
data remaining in the freed disk space.
There is no input pathway to the scanner for files via external memory media, and input pathways
of files via the network are limited to the minimum. Security patches are provided to protect the
scanner against virus attacks. Taking these measures enables the scanner to be protected against
virus infection.