fi-6010N Network Scanner Operator's Guide 429
A.5.3 Detection by both Layer and Length
If [Both] is selected in "6.9.17 Multifeed Detection (Layer and Length)" (page 343), mulifeeds are
detected by both layer and length.
In this case, set sheets of the same thickness and length in the ADF at any one time.
z Document thickness: 0.065 to 0.15mm
z Document length deviation: 1% or less
z Punched holes are not allowed within 17.5mm (0.7in) either side of the center of paper.
z Do not glue on any other paper within 17.5mm (0.7in) either side of the center of paper.
Area where multifeed detection is possible
z Multifeed detection by layer will often mis-detect very thick paper or plastic
documents. When scanning such documents, select "None" on the "Multi-
feed Setup" screen.
z Multifeed may not be detected for the top and bottom 25mm of a document.
Page top
Front side
Page bottom
Center of paper