Save Not connected to the network. Check that the system network is
functioning normally by
performing a ping test from
another machine in the network,
other than the server with network
folder. If the system network is not
operating properly, refer to
"Failure to connect to a server
using its IP address" (page 461) for
further solutions.
Access to network folder was refused. Contact a server administrator to
find out if an access permit has
been set.
Network path is too long. Try the following:
z Set a shorter file name.
z Select a [Save in] folder with a
shorter name.
z Contact a system administrator
to have the folder path name
Insufficient free space in the
designated network folder.
Ensure the free space requirements
are met, and try again.
Number of network path connections
has reached the maximum allowed. No
more may be specified.
Close unneeded network
connections, then try specifying
the desired network path again.
The file to be overwritten may be in
use elsewhere.
Check that the file to be
overwritten is closed, and try
Current login (LDAP account) has
become invalid.
Contact a system administrator to
have the login account validated.
Specified user is no longer able to
login to this network folder.
Try the following:
z Login with a different account.
z Contact a network
administrator to have the
account validated.
Specified password is no longer valid
for this network folder.
Try the following:
z Login with a different account.
z Contact a network
administrator to have the
password validated again.
Screen Message Action