1. From the [Start] menu, point to [All Programs]-[fi-scanner V2], and then select
[fi Network Scanner Admin Tool].
The Admin Tool is started.
2. Specify the "Connect to" (of the scanner).
Enter the IP address, scanner name, or FQDN for the scanner to be setup or managed.
3. Press the [Connect] button.
The login screen appears.
z If the port number was changed in "4.7.2 Setting the Admin Network"
(page 88), enter the port number changed for Port Number.
z When trying to connect with a port number other than the specified
number, it will take up to 20 seconds before a connection error occurs.
z To use SSL, select the [Use HTTPS] checkbox.
z If the Admin Tool is started while there is insufficient free memory, a
script error may occur. Try again after ensuring that there is enough
free memory.