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Chapter 4 Configuration with Logicmaster 90–70
This chapter explains:
how to use Logicmaster 90–70 software to configure a Remote I/O Scanner and
the modules in a remote drop. See page 55.
how to convert Remote Drop configuration folders created with Release 3
Logicmaster software to Release 4 configuration folders. See page 54.
The instructions in this chapter are for rev. 4.01 or later of the Logicmaster 90–70
software. Either the serial or parallel version can be used. If you have an earlier
software version (3.0 or later is required for any Remote I/O Scanner configuration),
turn to appendix C for instructions.
Alternatively, a remote drop can be configured using a Hand–held Monitor (release
4.0 or later), provided there are no analog expanders in the remote drop. HHM
configuration does not provide all of the features that are available when configuring
with Logicmaster 90, such as I/O module options and support options. Differences
between the two configuration methods are listed in chapter 1. HHM configuration
instructions are given in chapter 6.
Configuration Limits
These configuration limits must not be exceeded:
1. The maximum amount of data that may be exchanged with a Remote I/O Scanner
is 128 bytes of %I + %AI data and 128 bytes of %Q + %AQ data. For any particular
I/O type (I, Q, AI, AQ) of the I/O map, the length plus the offset cannot exceed the
current configured CPU limits.
2. The reference addresses of the I/O modules in the Remote Drop cannot exceed the
Remote I/O Scanner limits.
3. There must not be too many option modules in the remote drop. See chapter 1.
4. The I/O configuration data must not be greater than 4500 bytes total. This amount
of configuration data will never be reached in a remote drop where all of the I/O
modules are included in the Remote I/O Scanner’s I/O map. Turn to appendix B if
the remote drop drop will have I/O modules configured outside the I/O map.
Filenames for Configuration Files
With Release 4 Logicmaster software, filenames for remote drop configuration files are
in the format dropXXX.cfg. For example, the configuration file for Drop033 is named
drop033.cfg. To view the list of configuration files in the currently–selected folder,
press Alt/L.