GE GFK0579B Scanner User Manual

Series 90–70 Remote I/O Scanner User’s Manual – July 199256
Selecting the Bus Address
Move the cursor to the Bus Address that will be used by the Remote I/O Scanner and
press F8 (Remote). (The Bus Address is the Remote I/O Scanner’s address on the
Genius bus; this number is not its DROP ID. See the explanations of Bus Address and
Drop ID on the next page if you would like more information.)
Next, this catalog list appears:
Press the Enter key. The Remote I/O Scanner is now entered at the selected Bus
Address. In the illustration, the Remote I/O Scanner is located at Bus Address 29.
The software assigns a DROP ID, as explained on the next page.
Press F10 (zoom) from this screen to configure the Remote I/O Scanner. The message
Now saving Central PLC configuration to disk...” appears.